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Who Were the Most Picked Champions of the LEC 2021 Spring Season?

With the Spring Season officially at an end, we're taking a look at the most popular champions played this season.

Top Lane

Gnar - 37 picks

League-of-legends-champion 'Gnar'

This cuddly creature's manoeuvrability and high damage potential made him the most popular top lane choice this season.

Renekton - 32 picks

This fighting crocodile remains a firm favourite both in and out of pro play thanks to his high base damage and crowd-control ability, which make him one of the most useful champions in the early game.

Gragas - 27 picks

The bearded rabble-rouser enjoyed a surge in popularity amongst pros this season due to his ability to soak up as much damage as he puts out.


Lillia - 45 picks

League-of-legends-champion 'Lillia'

This speedy fawn was by far the most popular Jungle pick this season, due in large part to her unmatched movement speed, which allows her to duck and weave out of the way of projectiles while she keeps her distance from melee champs.

Udyr - 41 picks

The Spirit Walker made a heck of a comeback in Spring, having not made a single LEC appearance throughout 2020. This champion is one of the fastest at clearing the jungle camps, in a meta where the jungler controls the game, it’s very good that they do that with alot of gold.

Hecarim - 39 picks

This ghostly centaur also boasts high movement speed and decent damage output, which made him another popular choice for pros.

Mid Lane

Orianna - 45 picks

League-of-legends-champion 'Orianna'

As one of the most infamous solo-carry mid lane champions, it's not surprising that Orianna was once again one of the top picks in the LEC this season. Very good at controlling fights.

Azir - 34 picks

As one of the most unpredictable champions in League of Legends, it makes sense that this notoriously difficult champion should rise to the top of professional play. The Emperor of the Sands' popularity most likely stems from the fact that he is a good counter for both Syndra and Orianna, the other most popular mid lane champs of the season.

Syndra - 25 picks

Syndra's popularity dropped slightly in 2021, but that didn't stop her from stunning entire teams and massive burst

Bot Lane

Kai'Sa - 71 picks

League-of-legends-champion 'Kai'Sa'

The Daughter of the Void had a bumper season, emerging as easily the most popular bot lane choice of Spring. Easy to dish out alot of damage in a short time.

Xayah - 37 picks

This rebel marksman was another popular choice in Spring, but fell short of the top spot, possibly because her bread-and-butter combo is a little harder to hit than some other champions.

Jhin - 23 picks

The LEC's pros third bot lane pick was none other than the virtuoso, Jhin. With long range and crowd-control in his kit, it makes Jhin a solid pick.


Rell - 54 picks

League-of-legends-champion 'Rell'

The Iron Maiden was the top choice in the LEC due to her tanky abilities which allow her to build up strong resistances.

Alistar - 52 picks

This fearsome minotaur has been a popular meta pick for a while now, and his ability to support bot lane champs like Jhin and Xayah made him a top choice for support players this Spring Season.

Leona - 26 picks

Last but certainly not least, we have the Radiant Dawn, Leona. Can lock down the opposition for a long time, giving her team plenty of time to kill the carries.